"T H E P O P S T A R A M O N G T E N O R S"
SILVIO D’ANZA is known as the popstar among tenors. Born in Frankfurt, Germany, the gentleman with an edge blends the charm of a classical tenor and the coolness of a popstar like no other. His interpretations of international pop, rock, film & classic hits clearly redefine the genre “classic-crossover” - the presumed differences between classical and pop music vanish and melt into a completely new listening pleasure.
Even his own bold fashion style evokes association with that of an avant-garde artist more than of a traditional tenor. SILVIO D’ANZA interprets the dandy-look of bygone days with a fresh approach and appears in colorful, monogrammed tuxedos. He loves tatoos, flashy accessories, wears trendy chains and distinctive signet rings. His extravagant look makes him a forerunner of a generation that leaves the path of the mainstream behind.
His fiery temperament and distinctive, sensual and emotional voice have already entertained and delighted audiences of millions all over the world. His concerts, where classic also plays a big role, are a guarantee for a goose-bump experience. He shines with the quality of an old school entertainer and masters the piano as only few artists can. The public, the media and prominence love SILVIO D’ANZA. It isn't any wonder that his fans have long wished for an album which reflects D'ANZA'S undeniable competence of in the realm of classic-crossover. With “SILVIO D’ANZA”, this wish has come true and with that, SILVIO D’ANZA is continuing on the path which brought him a number one album in Croatia. Last but not least, it is a most authentic portrait of this artist.

His eyes are dark brown eyes, yet not so dark as to hide what thoughts linger behind them. These brown eyes let his soul shine through. Black, full hair, sun-drenched skin. Graceful hands. Tall, slim and athletic. A three day beard. No doubt SILVIO D’ANZA is an attractive man. Searching for a better life, his young and penniless parents migrated to Germany from Croatia. SILVIO D’ANZA was born on September 29th, 1974 in Frankfurt am Main. For him, nothing was taken for granted. He learned to quietly assert himself and his parents supported him anyway they could.
He learned how to be a teamplayer, acquired endurance and speed reaction playing soccer in his youth. He showed his love for music at an early age. When he was four years old he wanted a small junior keyboard. He was just six when he was enchanted by Mario Lanza singing “Ave Maria” from Charles Gounod in a film about Caruso. He was able to sing the song right away. A chair or a table were enough of a stage for the small tot. He gathered further experiences in the church choir and playing the organ. When he was 14 he had his first professional voice lesson. The next step was a music school, but he longed to be on the opera stage, just like his idol Mario Lanza.
When he was 16 he auditioned at the Frankfurt Academy for Music and Performing Arts and was accepted as one of 5 out of 500 candidates for vocal and piano studies. He had to give up soccer for that even though at the time he was a regional celebrity on the field. It was a difficult decision that his father demanded from him. Today he knows that he was right – you have to focus on one direction in order to really succeed.
SILVIO D’ANZA has enjoyed the applause of audiences at guest appearances, galas or longer en suite engagements whether at home or abroad. But D'Anza longed to express himself in a more contemporary way. Mario Lanza was his role model for a reason. Back in his time, this gifted opera singer provoked and enthralled the public by adding Italian songs of light muse and adaptations in the new style of music en vogue in those days to his repertoire. This also inspired D'Anza. While traditional tenors usually only listen to classic, he absorbed various styles of music : songs by Bruno Mars, Lionel Richie and also Uriah Heep or Leonard Cohen. He became a competent crossover artist between classic and pop music – after all, the only thing that counts for SILVIO D'ANZA is to touch and move the souls of his audience. And he has voice to do it – lyrically soft, but also brilliant and dazzling – a voice that goes straight to the heart.